Administrator's guide to upgrading to Release 5


Here's what's new in this release.

Upgrading to ViewsFlash 5 styles

If you are not upgrading from a previous version of ViewsFlash, ignore this section.

Styles are not upgraded automatically when a new version of ViewsFlash is installed. Perform the ?Diagnose=1 command, which will display a link that you can click on to upgrade the styles listed. If you have revised any of the Cogix provided styles, the upgrade will erase the revised styles. The link that Diagnose=1 link, that you can just click on, looks like this:

Use ?cmd=upgradestyles to update these styles, which need to be updated:
 Standard_.html NEEDS UPDATING

As of release 5, a new form style template, Standard_, is the new default style for constructing questionnaire forms. This style is complemented by the question styles named Standard_Matrix, Standard_Email, Standard_Number, Standard_Date, etc. New features such as question help, section 508, XHTML and are supported only in these new styles. However, existing styles such as Questionnaire, Email, Number and Date, and Portlet_Polls continue to be supported. Existing Places and Styles continue to work in ViewsFlash 5 unchanged, and new questionnaires can continue to be created in the existing places with the existing styles.

Using the new capabilities requires creating a new Place and using the new Styles, Standard_ and Results. These new styles work both in portals and non-portals. This change consolidates the standard, accessible, and portal styles into a single style and allows for simpler style management.

When a questionnaire is designed using a particular form style, only those question styles that are compatible with it are shown in the create question page. If a questionnaire is copied from a place that uses an incompatible style, the question styles used are changed automatically.

This change also affects the Question Library. The ViewsFlash 4 question library, named Question_Library, uses the Questionnaire style, and items in the library use question styles that are compatible with Questionnaire, such as Ranking. In ViewsFlash 5, a new library, called Q_Lib, that uses the new Standard_ styles, is installed automatically. Multiple question libraries are now supported; the question library menus display items from those question libraries that use styles that are compatible with the styles used in the questionnaire's place.


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